
I hate my school library.

Does anyone else have this problem? I was so spoiled with my undergrad library where if someone sneezed, it was scandalously loud. However, I am currently sitting in my graduate school's research library surrounded by:

1. three girls on their cell phones.
2. people playing music on their computers possibly without headphones [I did this once in my undergrad library completely by mistake and I am STILL embarrassed thinking about it].
3. Construction noise from THE CAFE THEY ARE PUTTING IN THE LIBRARY.
4. Yet I just got told off for taking a sip of water. From a water bottle. Far from any library-owned material except for a table. Surrounded by my own photocopies, not even that close to my own filthy laptop.

So that this post isn't just complaining about the library, here is a picture of one of the best I-don't-want-to-study-I-just-want-my-brain-to-come-out-of-ears movies ever: Glitter. And yes, I cry at the end every time I watch it. No big deal. Seriously though, do other people have this library dilemma? How do you cope?

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