
Glam-alicious Syllabus! Or at least slightly less boring that usual.

Sad copy machine violating the open container law, because all the courses are going paperless.

That's right, it's syllabus prep time for my way too many sections of that way too big intro course to my way too under-funded department. And I want my syllabus to have a little pizazz. Yes, it will have my office hours, and expectations, and warnings about tardiness, and when assignments are due, blah blah blah, but does every syllabus have to look the same?? How can I glam it up a little?

Some ideas I've already axed:
  • scented stationary (potential allergies)
  • glitter (too messy)
  • a cartoon (sigh, EVERYONE puts a cartoon on the syllabus)
  • Microsoft clip art (I use LaTeX)
  • kiss each one while wearing lipstick (too lazy/kids will think I'm a freak)
Some ideas that I'm actually entertaining:
Here are some of the fonts I am considering. The last one I like mostly because it's called "spanky's bungalow."

I need ideas here. How can I glam up something as eternally lame as a section syllabus? Also, can anyone translate these font samples?