
Sufficiently efficient?

I've been thinking a lot about effective reading note taking. A couple of weeks ago, I got incredibly flustered in a seminar, was unable to read my insane pages upon pages of handwritten notes [including an extended joke-as-metaphor... seriously], and totally lost my shit. After that fateful day, I've realized that I need to take incredibly clear, typed, easy to navigate notes.

So for the past couple weeks, I've been using a little template I made myself. What's it look like? Oh like so:

I only started doing this last week, so I've only used the template in action once so far [this class is only once a week for 23942034802394 hours]. However, after last week, I've found I am actually really liking it and do not want to give it up. It's simple, it's clear, and it really helps me organize my thoughts. Now, I just need to find a way to incorporate my long-winded-joke-as-metaphors into it AND make them make sense so that I don't look like a lunatic and this template would be solid gold.

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