
Cloud computing: A fashion revolution perhaps?

Glitter-and-Spandex and I are both about 5'2'', and we both schlep laptops and books around everywhere, hence our mutual obsession with finding the right luggage for our graduate school commutes.  Glitter has spent way too much of her precious time trying to find a suitable backpack for her small frame and glam look.  And I have spent way too much of my precious time trying to reduce the amount of stuff I have to carry so I can eliminate the need for a backpack altogether.  After hours of exhaustive research, I am convinced that cloud computing is going to change grad school fashion forever.

Here's what I want.  A tiny netbook, that can fit in a purse.  Then I want to save everything on the internet (the cloud), so that the netbook is just a cheap conduit to my important stuff, and not inherently irreplaceable.  I never want to lose a file again, or have another hard drive crash.  I want all the papers I need to be saved in an online library so that all I have to carry is that tiny netbook.

The most promising fulfillment of my dream is the netbook Google is probably going to come out with later this year.  Apparently it will be called the "Speedbook," and connect you to the internet within seconds of pressing the on button.  The operating system, Chrome OS, will be the browser, and the browser will the operating system.  There will be no software stored locally (no Windows, no Word, no PowerPoint, no Outlook, no iTunes). Instead, there will be the Google App store, which will offer tons of free and purchasable online apps to replace offline software.  For example, you can do word processing with Google docs, or Adobe Buzzword, instead of MS Word.  I already got rid of my email client and use Gmail exclusively, I'm halfway there!  Instead of a hard drive, you can back up your files to an online storage service like Mozy, SugarSync, Dropbox or SkyDrive, or even keep your stuff in Google docs.  I pay Mozy 5 dollars a month to keep all my music, movies and documents stored on the internet.  It's awesome, because I don't have to worry about dropping an external hard drive, or maxing out my computer solid state drive.  And if I forget anything, I always have access to every file, everywhere that there is internet.  Most of these websites offer about 2 gigs of storage completely for free, no strings attached.  SkyDrive offers 25!  I can see myself moving almost exclusively to the cloud in the next year or so.  Think of how small my bag would need to be if everything was in the cloud!  I could even skip the computer all together, carry a clutch, and use the computers in the lab (although I couldn't take notes in class).  Or I could get an awesome case for my netbook.  Or, I could get a glam netbook like the  Eee PC 1008P below, and just bring that!

Anyhow, cloud computing I think has a  lot of implications for the fashion conscious graduate student.  Just wait, the revolution has begun.

1 comment:

  1. Is this theme connected with your occupation or perhaps is it more about your hobbies and ways to spend your free time?
